Yasmine Robinson

2023, photograph by Kwok Tsui


Yasmine Robinson (b, 1994, Derry), is a Belfast based artist and Fine Art lecturer at Belfast School of Art. Robinson graduated from Chelsea College of Art London with a Distinction in her Masters of Fine Art (2018), having previously studied BA Fine Art at Ulster University, Belfast (2017). In 2017 she was awarded the Frank Bowling Scholarship to support her studies at Chelsea College of Art. Robinson is a studio holder and member at Queen Street Studios (QSS), Belfast.

Robinson has been the recipient of awards including; The Waverton Art Prize, Shortlist (2024), Arts Council of Northern Ireland, SIAP General Arts Award (2022), Ingram Collection Prize, Unit 1 Gallery and Workshop, London (2022), Zabludowiz Master-Class, London (2022), Tiffany & Co. Outset Studio Makers Prize, Outset, London (2018) and RDS Visual Arts Award, Dublin (2017). Robinson has exhibited at numerous key galleries and museums, both nationally and internationally, most recently including; ‘Stellatundra’, Sim Smith, London (2023), Frieze Art Fair, Outset Corridor Commission (2023), Solo exhibition ‘Potluck’ at Coups Contemporary, Fitzrovia London (2023), ‘Grit Between My Teeth’, Atelier Now, Dublin (2023), ‘Urgencies’, CCA, Derry-Londonderry (2023) 'New Exits', The MAC, Belfast (2023), 'Mutation Station', im labor, Tokyo, Japan (2022), 'Penumbra', F.E Mc William Gallery, Belfast (2021), 'Absinthe', Collective Ending, London (2019) and 'Young Gods' Charlie Smith Gallery, London (2019). Robinsons work in held in numerous private collections including Sir Frank Bowling’s private collection, London.


2018 - MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art, University of Art London, London

2017 - BA Fine Art Painting, Belfast School of Art, Belfast

Selected Exhibitions

2024 - The Waverton Art Prize, Boisdale of Canary Wharf, London


2023 - Stellatundra, Sim Smith, London

2023 - Frieze Art Fair, Outset Corridor Commission, Frieze London

2023 - Royale Arcade Academy, Arcade Studios, Belfast

2023 - Grit Between My Teeth, Ateiler Now, Dublin

2023 - Strange Brew, QSS, Belfast

2023 - Potluck, Solo Exhibition, Coups Contemporary, London

2023 - Urgencies, CCA, Derry-Londonderry

2023 - New Exits, The MAC, Belfast


2022 - Ingram Collection Prize, Unit 1 Gallery, London

2022 - Bankley Open, Bankley Studios & Gallery, Manchester

2022 - [Un]fabricated’, D Contemporary, London


2021 - Look the Horse in the Mouth, Arcade, Belfast

2021 - Wish you were Here, Yorkton Workshops, London

2021 - Mutation Station, Imlabor, Tokyo, Japan


2020 - Unsheltered as it is, D Contemporary, Mayfair, London

2020 - Penumbra, F.E McWilliam Gallery, Banbridge, Armagh


2019 - Absinthe, Collective Ending, Spit & Sawdust, London

2019 - Young Gods, Charlie Smith Gallery, London


2018 - Outset Studio Makers Prize, Tiffany & Co Flagship store, Convent Garden, London

2018 - & Another Angle, Maxilla Space, London


Emergence', QSS Belfast

‘RDS Visual Arts Award, RDS, Dublin


2024 - Waverton Art Prize Shortlist

2022 - Ingram Collection Prize Finalist

2022 - Arts Council of Northern Ireland, SIAP General Arts Award

2022 - Bankley Open Prize Winner

2022 - Zabludowicz Master-Class

2018 - Tiffany & Co. Outset Studio Makers Prize

2018 - Frank Bowling Scholarship

2017- RDS Visual Arts Award


Frank Bowling Private Collection